Stand out in the wellness tourism industry
Wellness tourism is expanding beyond spas.
Years of studies show the benefits that travel has on our mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and physiological wellbeing. This is what motivates people to travel in the first place.
Travelers are looking for destinations that help them improve their wellbeing in a way that is personal. As human beings we have our own wants, needs, stresses, obstacles, goals, and dreams and we often turn to travel to heal, feel, or deal with them.
In the future of travel, it’s essential that destinations optimize on all that their location has to offer that will provide the transformative and meaningful experiences that tourists seek.
Travel is innate is us as human beings and is something that we will all turn to in our life to help us through the devastation of 2020 when it is deemed safe and responsible again.
Will your destination be at the top of the list for tourists? If not, let’s make it.
It is my goal to help Tourism Boards and DMOs stand out among other destinations in the future of wellness tourism.
Email me at [email protected] to learn more about implementing my signature Travel Coach Approach ™ into your company.