Written by Sahara Rose De Vore, 2019
Why people actually travel
Itching to go on a trip? Craving adventure? Yearning to get away? Simply love to travel?
When someone answers the question “Why do you want to travel?”, most likely the simple answer will have something to do with just getting away from a daily routine, to get some relaxation from a stressful work schedule, to sip pina coladas on a beach, to get a tan, or just not to be where you usually are.
Have you ever took the time to think about why you really travel?
When you think about it, people don’t travel because they enjoy getting on a big metal aircraft and going up in the air or because they enjoy the frustrations, stress, risks, and dangers that travel can bring.
Everyone travels for a reason. Everyone travels with a purpose. But, not everyone takes the time and energy to think about why they travel.
The reason that understanding why you want to travel is so important because you’ll be missing a great opportunity to maximize on your travels. If you want to travel because you are trying to run from or avoid something in your life or certain feelings and you don’t acknowledge this, you’ll return from your travel most likely in same emotional position as when you left because you didn’t use what you were learning and experiencing during your travels to improve your mindset and find the answers that you are seeking. If you’re choosing to travel to get away from a job that you’re unhappy in and you don’t use the time during your travels to figure out how to improve your happiness in your current job or what your ideal job would be, you’re doing yourself a big disservice. Traveling has the power and ability to help you realize what you want out of life, who you want to be, and what qualities you desire in an ideal career.
People travel for so many reasons. There is a lot that drives people to want to travel. Travel provides people with so many answers, so much fulfillment, so much direction and clarity, and so much that they are seeking in life. People don’t choose to travel because they want to pay for an overpriced cocktail and lay in the sand, they can probably make a cheaper drink and lay at a nearby pool. Instead, people travel because they are seeking something more in out of life or because they are trying to fill a void or because they want to find themselves. Travel does so much for someone’s life and soul and that’s why people choose to travel. When you step outside of your comfort zone and you feel challenged or you build connections with new people or you learn more about yourself, you realize just how effective travel can be.
Just some reasons why people travel can be:
- Feeling stressed, frustrated, and unhappy at work and want to travel to escape those feelings and gain clarity on what makes you most happiest and what direction you should take your career
- Wanting to strengthen a relationship and gain clarity on where the relationship is going
- Wanting to spend time with your children and family because you don’t feel like you have been
- To gain spiritual direction
- To avoid or run from something
- To figure out what you want in a dream career
- To figure out who you are as a person
- To grow your independence To challenge yourself
- To get outside of your comfort zone and prove to yourself that you can do anything
- To see what beauty the world holds
- To learn new skills and knowledge and to grow as a person
- To figure out what you really want out of life
- To learn what matters most to you in life
- To free your mind of any stress and worries
- To heal from a traumatic experience
- To gain some sort of transformation in your life
- To figure out your life path and what you’re meant to do
- To find your purpose
- To build connections with other people
- To find a partner in life
- To enrich your life with as many new experiences, adventures, and connections that you can
- And much more!
When you dig from within and think about your truth for traveling, you will not only open your eyes to your current mindset and point in life but, you’ll also learn how to get the most out of your travels. When you know your why for traveling, you’ll be able to optimize on your travels because you know what you are trying to get out of your trip, why you are on your trip, what you’re looking to experience on your trip, how you hope to feel after your trip, and what changes or outcomes you are looking to make on your trip. Acknowledging and realizing why you want to travel will prepare and allow you to make the most out of your trip so you return home with the clarity that you were seeking.
If you’re unsure of how to tap into exactly why you want to travel or you aren’t sure how to apply and use what you learned and experienced during your travels to better yourself and your life, hire a Travel Coach like Sahara Rose.
Next time you choose to travel, take some time to think about why you are choosing to travel. It might just change your outlook on life and the power of travel.